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God's Wrath Against Ungodliness Part 2

The Text Romans 1:21-23 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

Some Thoughts As we saw in part 1 man "knows" God and is without excuse based on what has been revealed through creation. While this knowledge about God is not enough to save man, it is enough to turn man towards God or condemn those who deny God.

Since the God deniers have refused to honor God or give thanks for what He has given, they have created all kinds of explanations for what they see around them and have filled their minds and hearts with their new science-fiction meta-narratives.

We see it all around us but especially on the state funded college campuses. Young adults who have accepted the theory of evolution for a fact without examining the evidence are definitely exchanging the glory of the immortal God for "images resembling mortal man, and birds, and animal and creeping things".

While this may seem over the top, consider the following...

While they find it acceptable to kill an inconvenient baby, they find the following intolerable

  • The whaling industry

  • Killing Seals

  • Hunting Deer

  • Guns

  • Donald Trump

  • Being told NO

  • Work for welfare benefits

  • Immigration reform

  • A polar ice cap in a state of flux

  • Finding out global warming was just a hoax

Why are all of these issues so intolerable if the students have no issues with the murder of an innocent child? Because they worship Mortal men like Al Gore, Richard Dawkins, Rachel Maddow and Jon Stewart. They worship the created earth and the animals in it. Most interestingly though, they worship their own mind, in that they can't conceive that somehow they have misplaced their trust in the philosophers of the day that pass their delusions on as science.

While we can observe things like micro-evolution (change within a species), cyclical climate changes, and even the extinction of species, what we can not observe is time. If we project what we know is happening now upon the past with wrong assumptions of billions of years, we can come up with many wrong extrusions of a fictional past that is a true mystery to those who have refused to look at the Bible as an historical record of our beginning. To make matters worse, when there are cracks in the philosophy of man and their meta-narrative breaks down, they try to prop up their minds and stories with magical terms like, quantum physics and the string theory.

While there is evidence pointing towards God, the rebellious heart of man refuses to acknowledge him and will continue to conjure up anything else to satisfy his intellectual pursuits, and he will ridicule anyone who disagrees with his false premises.

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