Core Discipleship
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Addressing Issues
If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame. Proverbs 18:3
Too often we get into a "fixing" mode where it is easy to flip out verses and solutions left and right, but sometimes to solution to a problem is letting your disciple work the practical aspect out in their mind. Let them talk the issues of their life out, and be helpful when they struggle.
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of Godb may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2nd Timothy 3:16-17
There are times when as a mentor we must teach from scripture like a lecture. This is especially true when your disciple hasn't quite gotten into the self-feeding stage. Remember though that discipleship isn't a class, or a sermon time, but a time of living together in your walk.
Reproof and Correction
The difference between Reproof and Correction is in the intensity of the situation.
Reproof is a rebuking, scolding but with a kindly intent. This is for major doctrinal error or for unrepentant sin in someones life.
Correction is more of a fine tuning of lesser issues in life that are still off.
Training is taking the concepts God has given us in His word and showing how they apply to our daily lives and to our teaching.
Remember that each mode of using the scripture is for the equipping of disciples for every good work. We are molding Kingdom citizens for Gods purpose.
Remember the Bible is our basis for everything we do and teach.
There are things we can know for certain based on the bible, and there are other things that we can infer based on what we know about the Bible, but there will always be areas that we aren't sure of.
Crafting a Response or Plan of Action
There could be times when a response is already at hand and you can give it to your disciple for an issue, but many times you may need to take a little time to research. One great resource for reasearching a biblical answer would be the resource center at the Institute For Nouthetic Studies.
In order for a response to be Biblical and Practical, you need to be able to tie in a Biblical truth with a course of action. Throwing a Bible verse at them may not be enough if they can't tie it to action, and throwing a course of action at them without the Bible could lead to erronious thinking that the Bible is not where the answers of life are found.
Circle Back
Keep a journal of the issues that are worked on with your disciple. It may be helpful to re-visit these areas to see if a change of thinking and a change of action have taken place.
Moving Forward
At some point in your mentoring there needs to be a prodding of forward movement. There will always be issues in life that need to be delt with, but at some point we need to move to focus off of ourselves an on to the work of the Kingdom. To mold the disciple into a maker of disciples, there is training that has to move beyond the life of the disciple.