Core Discipleship
Who Am I?
That's an easy question. I'm nobody.
Seriously though, I'm a nobody who was singled out by The King of Kings and Lord of Lords for the specific mission mission to tell of his excellent greatness.
My Credentials:
I'm just a guy who opened his Bible and had his life transformed. I don't have any impressive degrees. I didn't graduate from any prestigious schools. I don't drive a fancy car. I don't live in a fancy house. I just open my Bible, and God pours his truth into my heart and I can't help but tell everyone about it.
Why Bother?
Why bother you may ask? Am I planning on becoming a missionary or a preacher?
While these are not my plans, my philosophy towards following Christ is that we are all called to be full time Christians in the service of our Lord. The full engagement of our time, tallent and treasure is what is required.
I was one of many volunteer teachers for our ABF classes at church before the ABF model was changed to push play for video Sunday school, and the director of media. I took on the task of being the Assistant Pastor for the Gift of God Street Church in the Fall of 2015 and became ordained in the Fall of 2016. Why would I dare not to give a large portion of my time towards studying the Bible and being as prepared as possible for God's people?
In my mind, it is never enough to sit back and wait for opportunities to walk through the front door of our Church buildings, but while we are able we must make opportunities, we must place ourselves in the path of the damned and persuade them to turn before they are out of time.