God's Wrath Against Ungodliness Part 1
The Text
Romans 1:18-20 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
Some Thoughts
The wrath of God is anger produced by the agitation of the mind over the actions performed continually by the ungodly people here on earth. It's not that men are basically innocent as proposed by men like Jean-Jacques Rousseau but rather they know exactly what they are doing, and more importantly who they are doing it to.
While only special revelation of Jesus leads to salvation, general revelation is all around us pointing us back to God as our creator from the minutest details of a cell or the structure of an atom, to the incalculable enormity of space, God's handiwork shows that these things we see around us can not have happened by random chance or come into existence from nothingness outside of Gods great power.
While many Athiests or God deniers would claim that there is no such proof, many of these poor souls have been trapped inside the cement jungles of the inner city all their lives, where pitiful trees grow in over-sized flower pots the sky is blotted out with buildings and pollution, there is no grass in flowing meadows, there are no rolling hills, there is no bountiful crop in the fields, no streams, no lakes, no mountains... just the ugly blight of concrete, steel and glass standing as monuments to men on how efficiently we can stack the masses of humanity on top of each other.
While I could almost have pity on the unbeliever for never seeing the grandness of God's creation, there is still another place where God's creation is clearly seen and that is in the life of a newborn child. In the birth of a baby we can see something amazing at work. While biology can explain the reproductive system, and the growth of cells as the child is formed, no one can explain where life comes from. Even in this amazing display of Gods handiwork, men look to deny or destroy the simplest of God's testaments to Himself.